Tuesday, 30 June 2015

And We're Off to the Rodeo!

You know, I've discovered that I really quite like the rodeo.  That's not something I ever thought I would say.  Ever. But I really do. It's pretty exciting, and fast paced, and sometimes really intense! I never ever understood baseball or basketball, or god help me, football.  As a spectator, they are all so slowwww and boring. But rodeo is just one awesome thing after another, bam, bam, bam. And if there is a lull there are cowgirls and rodeo clowns to keep you interested. The eye candy ain't too bad either...

Last year my daughter was having a serious crises of identity, clearly unsure whether she fit in in the redneck culture.  This year she decided she wants to grow up to be one of those cowgirls who gets dressed up in the shiny glittery shirts and belts and rides around the arena with a flag.  Lofty life goals that one.

Seriously unimpressed with the noise

I could regale you with a play-by-play of what went down that day, but if your not there it's really not nearly as exciting as it is in person.  Partner #1 watches the National Rodeo finals every year and it just doesn't hold the same weight. You don't get the crowd, the noise, the atmosphere, and the "Holy Crap! Did you see that!" you do when you're there in person.  I am sure there is someone sitting there reading this laughing at me, because I sound like a complete yuppy.  Yes, I am lame.  Yes, I am aware.

Also, I had an observation about the wide spectrum of spectators present. Maybe more of a theory?  Basically rodeo goers break down into three categories: 1) You have your Average Joes, who are obviously just there to enjoy the atmosphere and the spectacle. 2) You have your out-and-out bedecked, bedazzled rodeo goers who look like they went to the nearest costume shop and picked up what they think rodeo stars wear.  3) And then you have your try-too-harders.  These are the girls in the cowboy boots and miniskirts/cut offs.  These are the boys with their jeans tucked into their artificially shiny boots, in their plaid button ups, obviously sweating their butts off because they are completely unaccustomed to wearing actual cowboy regalia. 

The clear observation I made, aside from the categories, is that the ones in the bedazzled costumes are the ones who are actually authentic! They are the ones who probably know their way around a horse and could tell you the difference between a bull and a steer.  It's the try-too-harders who are trying too hard to look authentic that come off as complete wankers. It was very strange indeed. 

Obviously, it's not a science.  But seriously, if you get a chance to go to a rodeo, take a look around. Observe your fellow rodeo goers, and you will see, I am not entirely crazy. 

I shared this theory/observation with Partner #2 who pointed out that there is also a distinct difference between actual working cowboys and rodeo cowboys. You learn something new everyday! Also! Did you know there are ranches out there solely dedicated to producing animals for the rodeo!?  The meaner the better apparently.  How do you breed for meanness??  Actually, maybe I don't want to know that....

In other news, we had a miniature version of our tadpole party.  Still 14 kids were there! It was pretty great.  Unfortunately though, since our neighbours and local friends are in the dark about our family configuration (as far as we know), I can't post any pictures from the party.  It's not like I can ask permission to post pictures of their kids on my blog and then refuse to tell them what the blog is about lol.  Oh the joys of cultural ostracism! But we busted out the kayaks and had a table full of containers and butterfly nets and the kids had a blast. 

And that was basically it for this last week.  Currently, Isabella is in Vancouver visiting family, and tomorrow the rest of the family is going to a big Canada Day celebration in the park.  For the most part it will be a quiet week, which is just what I need right now. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Wicked Cool Natural Entertainment

We have several creeks running through our property, one of them is a man-made dyke running straight through the middle of one of our fields.  For the last couple of summers Partner #1 has built a sandbag dam to flood the field in order to irrigate it.  Super fascinating, I know, but what that means for us is that we have this awesome 2-foot deep pond totally chalk full of tadpoles and frogs, as well as our insect friends like dragon flies and water skitters! There are several places where you have to be careful where you walk so as not to squish hundreds of little tadpoles!

Last year the kid's grandparents bought each of them a kayak to use in the ponds and they have taken to using them as tadpole collectors.  They also got some butterfly nets recently and have had much better luck catching frogs now too.

Really, it's about the coolest thing ever. I often find myself envious of our kid's awesome childhood. How awesome is it that they get all this wicked cool natural entertainment to enjoy!? Who needs a play ground when you have a pond!

Oliver's head for proportion 
One of a million clouds of tadpoles

Using her shoe to catch frogs....

What a weirdo

We are planning a pot luck "Tad Pole Party" here soon and inviting a lot of the local kids and some of our fellow home school families to come armed with butterfly nets and buckets, and we'll just spend the afternoon catching critters and kayaking and splashing, all the while teaching our kids about ecosystems and frog metamorphosis like the true geeks we are....

Admit it, you're jealous.