Thursday, 24 December 2015

A Cat Named Tore

Several months ago one of our neighbours moved away.  It was really upsetting to everyone in the community, but probably most of all a pair or semi-feral cats that she had living in her barn.  Turns out she would feed them on occasion in order to keep them around to help keep the rodent population down.  Since she left there has been no occasional bowl of cat food and so they seemed to have made out way to our house! Well our shop, to be precise.

Our shop is mouse and pack rat riddled.  It's disgusting and freaky because you can hear them, but you can't see them... But I don't blame them at all.  We happen to keep a lot of feed in the shop.  It's like rodent heaven.  So the arrival of cats is awesome! Even more awesome for me because I actually like cats and a change from the constant presence of dogs (we're at 14 now) is kind of nice!

There is one really tiny little black one that you only ever see if he doesn't realize you're there.  If he sees you he bolts.  I have no idea if he is getting any of the food we put out for them  but he hangs around the chicken coop a lot...

The other is only partly wild.  More tame then wild I'd say, as in  he'll let you pet him, but don't try to pick him up.  I was watering the sheep the other day and he came and hung out with me.  He looks kind of like a Siamese cross with these really weird eyes and one torn up ear.  Hence his new name, Tore.

So now in addition to the cows, horses, sheep, donkeys, lama, guinea fowl, chickens, ducks, and dogs (!!), we now "have" two cats!

Although, similar to Little Orphan Lamby, Tore likes to hang around on our deck and beg for food.  Super annoying, but also super stupid!  We have 14 dogs, Cat!  What are you doing hanging around the house?!  He might not be the smartest cat in the shop... Though Little Orphan Lamby is still kicking around, so maybe it's alright...  I guess he didn't get his torn up ear for nothing though...

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