Since moving to the ranch, I've discovered that I. know. Nothing.
I severely underestimated the amount of all-around knowledge running a ranch requires. I figured, like I said in a previous blog post, don't you just throw some food at cows and they grow into tasty burgers or something? It is so much more intensive than what I had previously assumed.
Examples of things I've given up trying to wrap my oh-so-superior brain around:
- The geneology of cow dogs,
- Why no body wants to buy this breed of cow, but we're going to do it and somehow it will make us money?
- The different avenues of income a ranch as complex as ours has,
- Government range leases,
- The subtle nuances of cattle body language (actually, I'm still working on this one)
- How dropping six figures on various ranch related necessities is perfectly normal?!
- How the seemingly unrelated happenings overseas effect hay prices in our little blip on the map
- Why sheep like to die?!
- The Cattlemens Association and all its confusing programs,
- Why the price of cows can change drastically from one day to another.
It's been a humbling experience. I've learned there are different kinds of smart. Like there is "street smart" and "book smart". I am definately not "ranch smart".
Loved it Natalie. I. KNOW. NOTHING. that was my favorite. Lol