Monday, 23 March 2015

Surprise! Dirt Bikes!

So the grandparents came to visit this past week and brought dirt bikes for the kids!  I know, I couldn't believe it either!  Even though I knew about it months ago, it was one of those see-it-to-believe-it type situations.  We never got stuff like this as kids. My kids are so lucky

Poor Oliver can't reach his feet to the ground though, so he gets to ride with Dad.  They found that if Partner #1 jumped off the back while they were going, Ollie could drive no problem by himself.  He just needs someone there to catch him when he stops as his only stop option until he grows a little taller is to bail and let the bike stop itself...

Once past his initial panic attack prior to getting on, Silas took off like a rocket once he figured out what he was doing! Choke (the dog in the picture) really got her work out chasing after him!

Isabella was really nervous and took a little while to get the hang of it. Even now that she has, she is still super cautious.  I was really proud of her, she kind of bailed while she was trying to show off a bit and despite being really embarrassed she managed to hold it together and get back on.  If you knew her, you would know that this is a huge accomplishment as she is prone to a total freak out over minor things if they test her boundaries... 

Silas who has been saying that he wants to be a stunt driver for forever was already starting to take jumps just a handful of hours after he first got on! We have yet to teach him that there is even more gears then just 1st because he is maybe getting a little over confident... Partner #1 figures he needs to have a minor crash sooner rather than later just so he knows what its like and they maybe he will adopt a little bit more cautiousness... 

The next day, Grandma and Bucca (aka Grandpa) took the 3 kids into town to get them helmets that were all theirs! Now each of them have these super sweet, super flashy helmets, that I am sure make them feel like they can go even faster! Silas loved his so much he did his math the next morning with it on lol. 

Sometimes (often) I just can't believe how lucky my kids are! There was no way Isabella would have had an opportunity like this living in the City. And, you know, I think this new found skill will go a long way in boosting her confidence. It's so cool. My kids are so lucky. 

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are very lucky! We got a bicycle when I was growing up on the farm in Texas, but I never got a chance to learn how to ride it. My older brother and sister got to take turns with it, and told me I could have a turn when they were done. My turn never came, and I still can't ride a bike to this day. Your kids not only have their own bikes, they have motorcycles, not just bicycles. So yeah, they are very lucky.
