This morning I woke up to this.
It is the beginning of the end in my book.
It is far to early for this junk. This time last year I was all sunshine and roses about Fall and how pretty it is and how this year, This Year!, was going to be different! I was going to l-o-v-e winter! It was going to be beautiful and fluffy and not at all life-threateningly cold... But who was I kidding. When I saw this outside my window this morning I was tempted to dress all in black and proceed with a 6-month mourning period of the Sun until it's magical resurrection in the Spring. The Sun is my Jesus.
Why have I chosen to live in a place where the weather could kill me? Where the wind hurts my face and the cold makes my teeth ache??
At first I was in denial. "It must be ash. Surely there is a massive forest fire on the mountain raining down all these snow-like particles. No way it is snow." It is only November 3rd, dammit!
I am such a whiner. It all melted within the hour, but still it is a warning of what is to come! Last year we had a couple of really good storms, but we didn't even have snow on the ground at Christmas! It was a pretty darn mild winter last year and I have a feeling this year Mother Nature is going to make up for it...
To be fair the fall is really really pretty around these parts and I do love that. Too bad it only lasts 2 weeks.
Ollie concentrating intensely
And that is it. I just needed someone to commiserate with. Plus I had a couple pictures to share.