Sunday, 8 February 2015

Snowshoeing Adventure (Picture Addition)

So I got snowshoes for Christmas, I can't remember if I mentioned that before. Anyways, life is always so busy around here, I haven't had much opportunity to use them yet. The first time I went was kind of a disaster, a complete learning experience beginning to end, anyways. The snow conditions were not right, I fell down a lot, hurt my shins a little, and got more then a little wet! But it got me outside in the freezing cold, something I typically avoid at all costs, which was the point of the snowshoes in the first place. Not that I suffer from seasonal depression or anything, I just really hate winter. It's cold, and wet, and dark which translates into Natalie closing herself in doors for months at a time, slowly spiraling into a deep, profound boredom. Yeah, boredom. That's a good pronoun for me. 

But today I tried again! It was such a beautiful day. And warm. We had gotten a recent snow, so everything was fresh and white and really really pretty. By the time I was about a quarter of the way through my walk I had peeled off my coat and gloves and shoved them in my pack it was so warm.

I brought my camera with me knowing that there was going to be some really great opportunities. So here are my favorites that I thought I would share with you guys. 

I looked behind me and realized that it looked like big foot was following me....

The gorgeous Fraser river 

It strikes me on days like this one, that I am so damn lucky. It is just so beautiful around here. I often find it really hard to believe that I came from the city from here, it just feels like I have always been here. Maybe it was just a feeling of coming home after living in a place I didn't belong....

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your pictures. I especially like the Fraser River picture and the picture of my favorite bird, The majestic Bald Eagle.
